Nolan Harrison, entitlement, & participation trophies

Recently, Nolan Harrison caused a stir when he posted that he was returning the trophies that his sons earned for participation in youth sports.  Harrison’s point that his sons should earn trophies brings to light the question of ‘participation trophies’. Participation trophies are a common experience in youth recreational sports where every child that isContinueContinue reading “Nolan Harrison, entitlement, & participation trophies”

The Little League World Series: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

Every year I both look forward to and dread watching ESPN’s coverage of the Little League World Series.  I look forward to it because there is a lot of good in Little League baseball.  I dread it because there are things that are not in line with my Hustle & Attitude philosophy.  And, don’t getContinueContinue reading “The Little League World Series: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly”